
Hello and welcome to our blog. We are a family of 4 and have been home educating since our eldest son would have started school in 2012. Dh and I share the H.E duties between us. We're going to try blogging partly to encourage us to reflect on what we're doing and partly to share what we're up to with anybody who may be interested. As a family we are all really enjoying home ed. so if we help in any way to support others or to help spread the word then that would be wonderful.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Last catch-up ever

My mid-year's resolution is not to get behind again....

We planted out vegetable plants donated free by our lovely local nursery after our seeds failed to grow this year.

Zulu message-beadwork bracelet making (we studied the mfecane and Boers this week)

The earth's tilt in Daddyscience.

Celebration meal after Struan's Grade 1 recorder exam.

The boys spreading their wings and expanding boundaries in the Lammermuirs. Also known as "you'll take the high road..."

And the annual caterpillar pets spreading their wings, too....

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